Ford Scorpio 2.9 GLX V6 (1993)
GD-XT-29 (owned from 07-06-2005 until 26-02-2010)

Not a classic car of course, I know! Maybe it was because I got old or maybe it was because of the overcrowded roads in Holand (or both), but after 30 years of driving classic cars on an daily basis,I purchased a modern car for the first time in my life. Well, not quite true as my first MGB was only five years old when bought, whereas this Scorpio was twelve years old.
Fast and comfortable, a joy to drive in the madness of modern traffic, but more or less a disaster to look at... Oh, how I hate those modern lines and the lack of character! Some added chrome details did not change that, but made it just that very little bit less unacceptable to me.
Rust at the sills and the rear wings, failed emission tests and a damp fusebox were the reasons to bring this car to the breaker's yard early 2010.

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